Monday, October 18, 2010

JETT is 3

Jett and Mia helped me make this cake. We enjoyed it that night with family. We can't believe we have a 3 year old in our house! Jett is such an amazing boy and he was so happy this day. We love you Jett!!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Summer 2010 with Jett and Owen

Monday, May 3, 2010

Lovin' the Lemonade

This weekend we had a garage sale. I thought it would so fun for Jett to sell lemonade at a lemonade stand. With the cold weather, we were hesitant, but went ahead with it anyway. Jett was a trooper. He wore his toque and mitts and sat at his little table for quite a while. Whenever people put money into his cow bank, Jett was sooooo happy! His efforts paid off and he made $13. Now were off to the store to let him spend his hard earned cash!